Craigslist Musical Instruments
Here is a listing in my local craigslist musical instrument section: "Im looking to start a band based around blues, jazz, folk, psychedelic rock, surrealism, hard rock, jam band, among other things. People post ads at all times, even early in the morning before they go to work and late at night before they go to bed. Cragislist is one of the seven wonders of the internet. Craigslist is a cheap way to get stuff you need or get rid of stuff you no longer want. new york > musical instruments.. «» press to search craigslist. A Craigslist Cantata, made up largely of verbatim ads Richardson has found while trolling Craigslist. Watch the Craigslist Musical Instruments page like a hawk, especially at odd hours. We provide a safe meeting place for Craigslist buyers and sellers to meet, insure that the gear in question works, and make the exchange. Click "musical instruments" on the page that opens. Consider the ad-sourced lyrics for the musical's Decapitated Dolls: "My daughter likes.