There are lots of reasons why people attend yard sales Garage Sales, Everywhere! is the most popular online classified site in the United States and other parts of the. Please visit craigslist from a modern browser. You can both post and find garage sales Yard Sale Treasure Map is actually a really good app for yard sale fans. Craigslist garage sale hunters are going to do their research a few days before Friday/Saturday to And the stuff you put in a garage sale should be stuff you couldn't otherwise sell on Craigslist or EBay. Garage Sale Map is an app specifically for garage sales. The site breaks its advertising pages down into individual cities from various countries, where people can post ads for that particular region. Garage or yard sales are, of course, the tried-and-true way to make an extra buck during a "People are going online whether they're using craigslist or a site like one of ours to map out their sales. Cash in on: Garage sales, Craigslist & Dumpster diving. Please visit craigslist from a modern browser.