How Does Craigslist Work
Users post ads in categories including Services, For Sale, Jobs, Housing, Community and Personal. Craigslist functions as a large on-line classifieds forum however also allows for community discussions, job postings, so rather more. This video explains what Craigslist is and how to use it. How do I post a free posting? Basic knowledge of Craigslist allows users to interact with one another. Craigslist functions as an online classifieds forum, but it also allows for community discussions, job postings, service advertisements, and more. The site has a range of broad categories, and each category. Visitors can post their own ads, apply for gigs, or take advantage of deals they're interested in. Where can I advertise my services/business on craigslist? Craigslist's founder Craig Newmark and CEO Jim Buckmaster aim to provide users with a helpful, noncommercial way to connect with other people in If all you want to do is browse the site, you can just visit and click away.