Creepypants Had a Room for Rent." Craigslist is one of the best apartment rental sites, which is why you may wish to use the site to find a new roommate. The hotel is unable to rent that room until the cleaning has been completed, which is why most hotels in the US charge a smoking fee. While it isn't difficult to make a listing, landlords that don't yet know how to list a rental on Craigslist will find this guide to be an invaluable tool for making effective and punchy ads on a free. I have personally found Craigslist houses to rent (and lived in it) through Craigslist. Consumer complaints and reviews about Craigslist Seattle, Washington. room for rent. Credit for this story goes to Redditor BackingAwaySlowlyNow for their post "Mr. IS THAT A ROOM FOR RENT ON MY CRAIGSLIST??!?!?!?" and continues, "Do you want to be homeless? Yes, it can be safe to rent a room from Craigslist. Paris Forum several posters had seen a listing there and rented a B&B , which was a total scam as it did not exist at all.